I don't stop eating when I'm full. The meal isn't over when I'm full. It's over when I hate myself.
I thought a vegan diet would be too difficult, being on the road so much, but it's been far easier than I thought.
We always think of a diet with a big groan. But I think diets are fun. I think it is an American pastime for a lot of women.
And let's be clear: It's not enough just to limit ads for foods that aren't healthy. It's also going to be critical to increase marketing for foods that are healthy.
Whether you're on a diet, or you're looking for a go-to one bowl dinner recipe, salads should be thought of as crowd-pleasers, not a dreaded component of a meal.
You don't want to make a steady diet of just lettuce. You don't want to make a steady diet of fried chicken.
Trends in fashion, design and pop culture are taking on more global influence, and of course, one thing that's always in style is color.
Costume design allows you to do a different type of research and create characters, whereas in fashion, you create an image and clothing for the masses.
Biomimicry is basically taking a design challenge and then finding an ecosystem that's already solved that challenge, and literally trying to emulate what you learn.
I realised I've got quite a talent for coming up with ideas for design. I've got so many ideas about fashion.
'Intelligent Design,' the relabeled, repackaged form of American creationism, has always had a problem. It just can't seem to produce any evidence.
Advertising is, of course, important because advertise is the final design. It's the last layer that speaks to the customer, that tells them what you have.
I've never mentioned this, but when I was at Parsons teaching, the other design disciplines, they don't like fashion design. They see it as very nineteenth-century.
You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
Dating is really hard because everyone puts on a front. It's really difficult to see who is who, so it is important to be yourself.
If you don't have a valentine, hang out with your girlfriends, don't go looking for someone. When it's right, they'll come to you.
The thing about dating someone who listens to a totally different genre than you is they can help you find things to appreciate in that genre.
It's always been my personal feeling that unless you are married, there is something that is not very dignified about talking about who you are dating.
I'm Canadian. The only difference between dating American and Canadian guys is whether you'll be watching football or hockey. I have no preference.
Appearance is something you should definitely consider when you're going out. Have your girlfriend clip your nails or something like that.
Dating is kind of hard. Like dinner or something like that. Like a forced awkward situation is very strange. Especially for me, for some reason.