I've always had an interest in sports across the board.
I'm what is known as a 40-year overnight success.
I would love to do more private concerts.
People's musical tastes are fickle, and music can be a fashion.
So it doesn't have to be happy music to be inspiring.
My head works in music, so there's always music there.
Music keeps the heart porous in many ways.
Lyrics are my racket; music is play - the fluff stuff.
Everything goes in cycles in the music industry.
I am really addicted to music.
My music and lyrics became an extension of this Indian philosophy.
I try to use my music to move these people to act.
I'm just thrilled to see people enjoying the music.
The world I was born into was one filled with music.
I don't like talking about music.
I don't have any hobbies. Music is my hobby.
I still don't know how to read music.
I believe in my music.
I'm a big fan of comedy music.
I don't even listen to music when I'm off tour.
I'm very hands-on with my own music.