Cedric Gibbons was the grand cardinal of the art department.
Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic's best friend!
Marriage, even the best marriages are tough.
My mum is my best friend.
Negotiating means getting the best of your opponent.
Negotiation means getting the best of your opponent.
I'm married to my best friend!
I realize that R&B is what I do best, and I'm comfortable with that.
I've raised my daughter with no television.
This is the band I always wanted to be in.
The atmosphere of the theater is my oxygen.
If there's something wrong, speak up!
There are no rules to writing a song.
I'm here in the mountains, in the foothills of the Catskills.
I'm rarely singing in English.
When I was wrestling, I was 19, I was young.
It's so surreal being here.
I gotta get a truck.
I'm an artist, I'm not an activist.
I've lost some friends. A lot of the girls.
Bass guitar is the engine of the band.