My main teachers were my father and my mother and my brother.
There will always be non-readers, bad readers, lazy readers - there always were.
We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon.
I grew up in the church and had always questioned what they were telling me.
My influences were Woody Allen and Lenny Bruce.
If I were to do this over I'd play a lot more shows before I made a record.
Rise up and become the person you were meant to be.
In a Balenciaga you were the only woman in the room - no other woman existed.
Failure? I never encountered it. All I ever met were temporary setbacks.
What would be left of our tragedies if an insect were to present us his?
We were worried about that actually. The cast was thinking that they'd lose their minds. But we didn't.
I think, if you were being cruel to animals, then the thought of eating them would be horrific.
We must have been hunters and gatherers but some of us were just waiters and hopers.
Ronald Reagan, whatever his pros and cons were, was a public servant in the end.
We were a fast-growing company, and I was a demanding boss.
Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?
I want to make lemonade out of the lemons that were dealt to me.
Those hot pants of hers were so damned tight, I could hardly breathe.
I've always played with kids that were five, six, seven years older than me.
Both of our wars in Iraq were, on American television, largely bloodless.
The Beatles were raw musically, but I think they really had something.