In olden times sacrifices were made at the altar - a practice which is still continued.
Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman.
Wit is the sudden marriage of ideas which, before their union, were not perceived to have any relation.
I knew that there were black people in Africa, of course, unfortunately because of movies such as 'Tarzan.'
I lost agents and managers because I turned down big movies that were smutty.
You can figure out who you were by which movies you loved when.
The movies that influenced me were movies that told their stories through pictures more than words.
These rare senses and powers of reasoning were given to be used freely, but not audaciously, to discover, not to pervert the truth.
They were absolutely lovely, and in their presence, so was she.
I was drawn to things I thought were either sexy or aggressive - or both.
Existence would be intolerable if we were never to dream.
Mariah and Whitney Houston were my goddesses growing up.
and feelings were always smarter things than thoughts
Don't waste water even if you were at a running stream
Wil Wheaton, Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes were all the early formidable crushes of my girlhood.
If poverty were a man, I would have slain him.
After Bound, we were offered a lot of lesbian thrillers.
We were not realizing that, with just a machete, you can do a genocide.
I read my books aloud before they were published.
In Hollywood through the 50s, there were black, English, and Middle European housekeepers and maids.
Surfboards were everywhere. When I got my first new board, I was probably in kindergarten.