Leave it all in the Hands that were wounded for you
All but one of Zoe Pendergraft's friends were dead.
The headiest loves were the loves that couldn't be.
Death and life were just adjacent verandas.
Only absences were fully shared.
In search of Magnum opus - perhaps you were divined to be mine.
When it comes to money, the best investments were probably the ones I did not make.
If only my heart were stone.
On this day, if it were me, I'd don a mask for all to see.
I just knew there were stories I wanted to tell.
When I was filming 'Ouija,' there were some elements in that that really creeped me out.
I don't know if they were all functioning, but I did play in a bunch of bands.
There were centuries when civilization had no theater.
The 65,536 processors were inside the Connection Machine.
The people who went on that airplane were unexceptional.
So it eventually became a question of WHEN they were going to make a movie.
Nobody is the same. If we were all the same it would be bloody boring.
If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes.
The French were mystified about the Watergate scandal.
I came from a disadvantaged home. They were Republicans.
You hold an absence at your center, as if it were a life.