I would be better at my job if I were technical.
Obviously my last two years in the NFL were not much fun at all.
In those days secrets were well kept.
If i were to lose a friend...then i couldn't die in peace!
As horrible as jail was, there were some first-rate guys in there.
If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?
If a word in the dictionary were mispelled, how would we know?
A lot of the carols were not as you hear them now.
Tionnax are always boasting that they were once annax.” Heartan, Viddion marah.
There were so many people who wanted me for their films.
I've grown up on TV, and there were some phases that weren't pretty.
There were no bigger stars in the new evangelism than the Bakkers.
Were I not a king, I would be a university man.
The Beatles were basically a vocal band.
At school I used to avoid dance lessons. They were the worst.
Now the difficulty with those warnings is that they were not specific.
If I were white, I'd get less criticism.
My sister Liza and I have never felt that we were in competition.
The Puritans were obsessed with the dangers of wealth.
What we were in on, really, was the invention of animation.
I may have become Christian, were it not for Christians.