We were all Romans once, I guess.
The nurses were all angels in my eyes.
In those days I don't' think they were even demos.
My kids were targeted on Facebook by protesters.
My parents were very artistic, but busy.
Actors were the first people to accept me.
If it wasn't for the elderly we wouldn't be were we are today.
I wasn't aware that Track Records were interested in the Bonzos.
Many of our prayers were not answered, and for this we are now grateful.
When I taught, all my best students were women.
In England, I met a couple who run a children's home. They were very kind and showed me many nice spots in England.
For me, the brightest years at IronPort were without a doubt the darkest years at home.
Women love hairy men. Cavemen were the sexiest men in history.
My dad's family were pretty working class, actually.
King Crimson were the only really famous band I'd been in.
It was seldom that I attended any religious meetings, as my parents had not much faith in and were never so unfortunate as to unite themselves with any of the religious sects.
I'm used to explaining to people why my jokes were funny.
When animators weren't sleeping, they were drinking.
My eyes were closed, they're open now
Home is where you were conditioned.
Everybody had their fans and they were fans of all of them.