Mmm, well that whole thing about having to look tough has never left Australia.
The characters in the book grow up with us. My voice has broken as well.
Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough.
If the movie's well made and it's about things that count, people will ultimately see the depth in it.
If the blind must lead the blind, it is as well that the leader knows he is.
The patriarchy is alive and well in Egypt and the wider Arab world.
If you're going to implement video, do it as well as YouTube does it or don't do it at all.
Well, luck is for fools. It's all they have to hope for, poor devils.
Well, I'm permitted to say anything I like. I just don't.
I know L.A. well, but it's a police state.
It's a terrible thing to speak well and be wrong.
There have always been huge musicians and poets in Uruguay, but Uruguay is a well-kept secret.
I'm here in a place as well in a time humbly waiting for the moment of you...
If everyone's looking at me, I might as well say something interesting.
I admire Jodie Foster. Her head is screwed on really well. It's not loose at all.
And I played in jazz band as well during all three years in school.
No. Maceo played sax, didn't he, well they used to sit in.
I know the musical world as well as I know the comedy world.
Eastern medicine is not about curing your sickness. It's about keeping you well.
Ling cod is a mild-flavored and somewhat delicate fish that takes well to poaching, braising and pan-roasting.
Yes, the world is now flat for publishing as well.