When taxidermy is done well it's an amazing piece of art.
We want to raise the art of living well.
The very best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance.
A man's best fortune, or his worst, is his wife.
Are you a reader? Well, good for you!
Greed is the inventor of injustice as well as the current enforcer.
To act well isn't an easy thing.
European fisheries are a disaster. The American fisheries are well-kept.
Books, like friends, shoould be few and well-chosen.
Eating well is a lifelong priority.
I live or die by how well I act.
Well, I don't want to become a prognosticator.
Well, I'm grateful for all the experiences that I've had.
I'm well aware of the people's wishes.
Well, actually, I do the voiceover for Quentin Sands.
I married a saint - well, a saint who curses.
Well, rhythm is 90 percent of the interpretation.
Well, I do lie for a living. I'm an actor.
Well, I have a lot of food references in my work.
I'm happy, my family's happy, everything is going well.
Well, I happen to believe all business is female business.