You cannot be a positive influence to the “sinners at the table" if you refuse to dine with them.
Look into the stillnessFear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I cannot allow it to paralyze me.
The Sum of Our Days: A MemoirWhen the things you love exist only inside your memory they cannot be destroyed or taken from you.
Porto DesaparecidoA house built on greed cannot long endure.
Postcards from Ed: Dispatches and Salvos from an American IconoclastYet, beauty cannot be forgotten, Eternal Wisdom can never die ...
Phantom Phantasia: Poetry for the Phantom of the Opera PhanLove is a wild fire that cannot be contained by any mere element known to man.
The Unsung Love StoryThe man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.
The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism