Various are the pleas and arguments which men of corrupt minds frequently urge against yielding obedience to the just and holy commands of God.
For it pleased God, after he had made all things by the word of his power, to create man after his own image.
For in Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female, bond nor free; even you may be the children of God, if you believe in Jesus.
Let not then any one deceive you, as indeed you are not deceived, inasmuch as you are wholly devoted to God.
However many blessings we expect from God, His infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes and our thoughts.
As he is one, so we call Him God, the Deity, the Divine Nature, and other names of the same signification.
Why don't the names of Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius offend people? The reason is that these others didn't claim to be God, but Jesus did.
I would say 90 percent of Christians do not have a worldview, in other words a view of the world, based on the Scripture and a relationship with God.
Nobody lives up to the norms that God had in mind when he first created human beings.
Don't just ask God for what we want. Let him teach us what we should want.
For Christ, both God and man, must lay hold on us in order that there may be a union between Him and us.
We are the first generation of human beings to have substantial insights into the origin of our cosmos and of human life in it.
My life often feels like a whirling dervish of kids, writing, speaking, and pastoral ministry.
Inconsistency on the part of pastors and the faithful between what they say and what they do, between word and manner of life, is undermining the Church's credibility.
A mortal lives not through that breath that flows in and that flows out. The source of his life is another and this causes the breath to flow.
I lived a normal life for a number of years. I had kids. I lived up on a farm in Gloucestershire in rural England, and just kind of got back to reality again.
He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life.
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.
A church of dialogue in the contemporary world... a church, taking on the mission of Jesus, which is in the world not to judge humanity, but to love it and to save it.
There is a tendency around the world today to copy TV culture. And that is not always a virtue.
The Church doesn't censor. It tries to guide its faithful through catechism.