Water from far away is no good for a fire close by.
When you drink water, remember where the mountain spring is.
Good words cool more than cold water.
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
Water quenches the thirst but does not teach you how to sing.
Drink water like an ox, wine like the king of Spain.
Smack a tray of water and you get to wash your face.
A cat likes to eat fresh fish but it will not go into the water.
The monkey will never wash with the same water twice.
A drop of water in the eyes of the Tsar costs the country many handkerchiefs.
As long as the fish swims in the water, don't light up the grill.
Once burned by milk you will blow on cold water.
The dog learns to swim when the water reaches his ears.
Who falls in the water will hold on to the foam to save himself.
A young crocodile does not cry when he falls in the water.
He who runs away from the fire, falls in the water.
If you're fated to drown, you may die in a teaspoon of water.
Hush now, ‘tis time to sleep and dream secrets of long ago.
Jesus was not a theologian. He was God who told stories.
...it's fat women who are really beautiful. The fatter the better.
For my relationships with men to change, I needed to change my relationship to myself as a woman.