There's such a fan base for 'Dark Shadows'. I remember watching the show as a kid, but I wasn't an ardent fan. I didn't run home from school to watch it.
I've watched 'Clueless' as many times as humanly possible. Like, I would run home from school to watch it. Like, I can quote it backwards.
I like to be home with my son, kickin' it and watching ESPN, a very normal life. I like to take him to school every day, watch his games.
At home, I watch fights and documentaries - that's it. If it's not about the birth and death of stars, 'Frozen Planet,' or someone getting punched in the face, I'm probably not watching it.
I was in Nepal and I had watched Oprah Winfrey's show. I had no idea, as a kid in Nepal, who she was, but I remember watching an episode of hers about living your dreams.
Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there's something good about feeling both.
My children have never watched any of my films. Charlie knows that daddy makes movies, but he says they are not good enough for him to watch.
I've been watching Michael J. Fox since I was a toddler, basically. I watched all the 'Back to the Future' movies! I've been a fan my whole life.
When I watch a movie that I've been in, I'm watching it, but I usually remember what I was doing at that time, what was going on in my life.
I've watched 'Being There' over 50 times, and every time I watch it, I love every frame. I just wish I had directed it myself.
Watched Star Wars in 77 and that's when I got into watching films. I was just blown away by it.
There are some people who watch NASCAR for the highly skilled driving - but most people watch it for the crashes.
And I watch 'Saturday Night Live' religiously, I have since I was a little boy. I watch it basically like one of my favorite sports teams.
I'm a couch potato. I love to stay in and just watch a DVD with the missus. Or we all go over to Louis's house and watch 'X Factor.'
I just really have an affinity for women. Watching them go through journeys is more interesting to me than watching men.
I tend to be a little too old to feel guilty about watching anything. Like, I watch 'Survivor' every week.
The function of the killer and watching him - whatever that says about the world in which we live - it was always more about that world than it was about the actual watching.
It's fun to see a lot of the crowd become embarrassed. You're kind of watching them almost wanting to not watch the screen, but they have to because it's so compelling!
You cannot simultaneously want to eat a chocolate cake every day in front of the TV and want to be slim. You cannot want to be single and carefree and want to be in a loving, exclusive relationship
Seriously, why aren't you on drugs?" Cath walked past her out of the room. "Are you a licensed psychiatrist? Or do you just play one on TV?" "I'm on drugs," Reagan said. "They're a beautiful thing.
Calvin:"It says here that 'religion is the opiate of the masses.'...what do you suppose that means?" Television: " means that Karl Marx hadn't seen anything yet