When a new generation watches the films, people might mention that it has improved their lovemaking. I guess it's because it isn't threatening. It was very sweet and delicate.
I don't like to watch myself on screen because in my mind there is a touch of George Clooney about me, but when I see it, there is more than a little Donkey from 'Shrek' about me.
Keep your negativity to yourself. After watching you poison your own life with your opinions, I would be foolish to let you do the same to mine.
Whenever I see a celebrity that comes to watch me play, I'm going to do for them the same thing they've done for me - bring them some type of joy.
Also, if you watch the film once, there are lots of things that you won't get because there are punch lines in the first act, the setup to which isn't until the second act.
And He watched over me before I knew Him and before I learned sense or even distinguished between good and evil.
It's so crazy to see people singing along to songs that aren't even released yet. I'm like, 'How do you even know the lyrics? Have you been watching YouTube?'
I watch the ball fiercely to see its height and speed off my opponent's racket so I can decide how I want to hit it.
I did not want to set my world alight, to watch it burn because of the sister I had come to love too much.
I always thought Johnny Carson was just brilliant, and I used to watch him and all the comics that would be on the show every night - and I'd dream about it being me.
I am a prince I have it all, and I hear your foot steps on the wall, I wait in silence for your call, and take a shot and watch you fall.
If I've seen the movie, it means it's an influence on my own filmmaking. Every movie has a reflection in 'Night Watch.'
The musician and the listener. If this is love between two strangers watching each other from afar, that rough, burning moment when you rush in and kiss is the show.
When I retired from the NFL, no one knew who I was, and I had to start all over. I ended up doing security in L.A., and I was just on movie sets and watching.
We are all amateur attention economists, hoarding and bartering our moments - or watching them slip away down the cracks of a thousand YouTube clips.
Snails mate faster than Farnsworths.” Georgie gave her a chastening look. “Eliza.” “Well, it’s true. I’ve watched.” “You’ve spied on Sir Roland?” “No, I’ve spied on snails.
Japan and China are isolated and without intercourse with other countries; hence the President directed me to attend to or watch the state of affairs in China also.
There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen and those who wonder what happens.
There are three kinds of people in this world: people who make it happen, people who watch what happens, and people who wonder what happened.
Some of my favorite shows are ones where the characters are vile and human and flawed. That's what makes me want to keep watching a show, not writers telling me how to feel about characters.
Ben Says: Empower & Inspire Your Children Early In Their Ways...Then Watch Them Bring You Great Joy All Of Your Days!:) Timothy Pina Bullying Ben