Old Woman: [watching Shrek fight] The chair! Give him the chair!
[first lines] Stalker's Wife: [sub-titled from Russian] Why did you take my watch?
Malone: Don't wait for it to happen. Don't even want it to happen. Just watch what does happen.
[after watching Nightcrawler teleport around the room] Dr. Jean Grey: You bored yet? Storm: Yep.
Why is it so painful to watch a person sink? Because there is something unnatural in it, for nature demands personal progress, evolution, and every backward step means wasted energy.
I feel like, on a more macro scale, there's started to be a relationship between filmmakers and people who watch their films - you know, on Twitter and on the Internet.
I always think the most romantic books or films are the ones where the romance doesn't happen, because it makes your heart ache so much watching it.
I respect Georges St. Pierre as a businessman and an athlete. I don't have anything against him personally. But he's not the kind of fighter I like watching.
I'm more inclined to linger in the science pages of 'The Week' magazine. But my principle obsessions are still watching sitcoms and football.
'Sports Illustrated' does extremely minimal retouching. Other publications, however... phew. They do a lot; I've watched myself be Photoshopped before. It. Is. The. Worst.
Gymnastics is the greatest sport in the world, and one of the hardest, but we have to watch out for domineering male figures who try to belittle and scream at young girls.
Watching baseball under the lights is like observing dogs indoors, at a pedigree show. In both instances, the environment is too controlled to suit the species.
I love seeing a story evolve over several books and watching characters develop.
I love reading people. I really enjoy watching, observing, and being able to figure out a person, the reason they wore that dress, the reason they smell the way they do.
I'm not a big fan of doing it because I get really frustrated because I can't do any of the tricks, but I love to watch magic.
I love watching live shows from different artists from different stages of their lives. I'm always interested in the mastery of the live performance.
I only watch National Geographic Channel, and also I have the app on my phone. I'm into astronomy and love to learn about new facts.
Graham Norton makes me laugh. I love him. I'm not kidding. I watch him on BBC America every week. He's so fast.
I think all movie love scenes are hard because you can't truly be as intimate as you would be with anyone you're truly with, and everyone's watching you.
It's entertaining to watch somebody break my music down or explain what he thinks I was thinking during the process of making these records. Because... he has no idea.
I'm not really one for reading books. I have a very poor attention span. I'd rather listen to music, play games or watch films on my iPad.