Script comes first, then the actors, then you gotta be lucky enough to get the right time slot. Then people have to watch.
Watching my kids grow up made me realize that they would never know a world or a time without the Internet.
I've always wanted to be on a show that's well respected and had critical acclaim and that people like to watch, and at the same time find something that, for me, as an actor, is interesting and challenging.
When we watch a play under the standard circumstances, we've lost volition and time is passing. A still play feels like an existential threat.
I can't believe how many people don't have time to cook but have time to watch football and 'The Voice.' They're certainly making a choice.
It's been interesting how kids have had hardly any problems watching it, but adults have more trouble. This happened way back even with Jabberwocky and Time Bandits.
I remember a time when I was younger, when if you had to see an actor, you had to go to the theatre and watch a film.
I've watched my duty, straight an' true, an' tried to do it well; Part of the time kept heaven in view, An' part steered clear of hell.
As I travel the country for away games, I meet kids fighting cancer in almost every city. They visit the ballpark, and I invite them onto the field so we can chat and then watch the game.
Clifford Stern: [on Lester's films] I can't watch his stuff. It's sub-mental.
Mike Zavala: Get the fuck out of here. There's a drunk man outside the liquor store?
Mike Zavala: Orozco, you been working out? Orozco: Yeah, with your mom.
Davis: Saddle up, ladies. We're sick of holding up your end.
Josh Kowalski: [making the sign of the cross] Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.
Laurie: [to herself, watching kids trick-or-treating] Well, kiddo, I thought you outgrew superstition.
Fast Eddie: Fats, you can't run out on me! Minnesota Fats: You watch me.
Gollum: But, the fat Hobbit. He knows. Eyes always watching.
Stanley Spector: [watching it rain frogs outside the library window] This happens. This is something that happens.
Uncle Willie: [watching Kittredge clumsily mount a horse] Heigh Ho Silver.
Harry Goldfarb: Was I supposed to watch you push off and not go myself?
Luke: Watch that cross fire boys.