I want everybody who is watching to come to the Academy Awards with us. I'm going to pay for the bus.
The best vaccine against anger is to watch others in its throes.
On our watch, the conversation with a would-be suicide bomber will not begin with the words, 'You have the right to remain silent.'
My taste in watching things runs from dramas and low-budget films to high-end fantasy/science fiction.
It's never black and white on 'Game of Thrones.' If you think it's black and white, you're watching it wrong.
I want my son to never know the mommy who would rather watch him play basketball than play with him.
I'm growing very talented at watching blood and guts on screen because I have zero emotional response.
I'm English, and 'Doctor Who' was this thing that I've been watching since I was three.
Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to to its fulfillment.
The truth is, I can never die. For I will be in everything and see you in everything and watch over you. I am your reaction in the water of a mountain lake.
The founding leaders of our country believed in a three-part sharing of governmental power, with each branch jealously watching the actions of the other two.
God bless Ray Charles. It was such an honor to meet him and sing with him and actually just to watch him sing from just two feet away.
In all the years that I've been in football - I went directly from coaching to broadcasting - I never really had a lot of experience watching it.
Despite the absurdity and the silliness and the triviality of the entire campaign experience, there is also something, as non-cynical as this sounds, kind of uplifting and strange about watching democracy unfold.
For eight-and-a-half years, I was just watching movies, and just staying in bed and just eating food and just, you know, being just miserable.
But with two boys and a new puppy, we don't get out much. We're usually home doing stuff together as a family, like watching 'Modern Family.'
I used to watch 'The Waltons' and sob because my family was nothing like that. We had a cruel sense of humor in my family.
I remember loving 'Braveheart,' and I still do! It was one of those films my family had on video and we watched over and over again.
I just want to be master of my own time. It is ironic that someone in the watch business should not be in control of his time.
Anybody who says they don't want to be seen on a show which has millions of people watching it at one time when they're in the business of selling records is a bit silly.
I've never watched any of the adaptations of my books. I've never wanted to, and there's absolutely no chance of me doing so in the future.