You don't get gushers of revenue by raising tax rates. You get it through expansion.
I have therefore concluded to apply for the privilege of becoming a Cadet at West Point.
Let's not kid ourselves. You pick up 'The Washington Post' and find O.J. Simpson on the front page; 'serious journalists' covered Anna Nicole Smith.
I did not come to Washington to raise the electricity rates by as much as $40 per month as this plan would do.
And I'm here to tell you, the reaction that I'm getting around the country, people are sick and tired of this word in Washington, compromise. This is why nothing ever gets done.
Welcome to the Salvation Army. I've never been associated with an offense so nice about giving the ball away.
We're the only dance in town. We don't compete with any professional teams for the entertainment dollar.
We should show Washington how we do it in North Dakota. I'm running to stop the over-regulating of our economy and start growing it.
We all know there are problems with Obamacare, and Washington's implementation of it has been abysmal. But rejecting Medicaid won't fix any of those things.
Washington politicians should not be treated any differently than any other American. That's what people are fed up with.
I think that the quality of all bands is steadily improving and it is a pleasant thought to me that perhaps the efforts of Sousa's Band have quickened that interest and improved that quality.
Any composer who is gloriously conscious that he is a composer must believe that he receives his inspiration from a source higher than himself.
American teachers have one indisputable advantage over foreign ones; they understand the American temperament and can judge its unevenness, its lights and its shadows.
Governmental aid is a drawback rather than an assistance, as, although it may facilitate in the routine of artistic production, it is an impediment to the development of true artistic genius.
You know too well the forces which compose their army to dread their superior numbers.
Rules are made for people who aren't willing to make up their own.
I find when you talk with the Chinese on most subjects, they are very practical.
Few whites are ready to actively promote civil rights for blacks.
I don't think you can impose a social order from the top down.
We need a smaller, leaner Washington. It won't happen if we raise taxes without any coinciding reform and serious slashing of spending.
If you look at the US economy over the last 15-20 years wages have been stagnating or even declining.