You cannot always depend on prayers to be answered the way you want them answered but you can always depend on God. God, the loving Father often denies us those things which in the end would prove harmful to us. Every boy wants a revolver at age four...
14 July 1942—Jerusalem - ...A magnificent parcel, covered in tape and seals, arrived for me from India. Inside were two pairs of old fashioned corsets with bones and laces. They were sent by HRH The Duke of Gloucester. Nick and I had an argument as...
That soldiers do terrible things during wartime should not surprise us.
Getting emotional about things is a peacetime luxury. In wartime, it's much too painful.
In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.
People are so different in wartime. No one gets to be ordinary. Not really.
The greatly increased consumption of alcoholic beverages is very largely a direct result of the increased purchasing power created by wartime expenditures.
In wartime, she thought to herself, you don’t call a death murder.
The reason that the American Navy does so well in wartime is that war is chaos, and the Americans practice chaos on a daily basis.
In wartime we identify ourselves with the nation, and its interests are the interests of our primal selves.
Usually the nonsense liberals spout is kind of cute, but in wartime their instinctive idiocy is life-threatening.
Food in wartime Britain, she had to admit, was hardly inspiring.
It does seem to produce more creative results when there are limitations. It's like in wartime with rations - people became more inventive with cooking.
The man who gets drunk in peacetime is a coward. The man who gets drunk in wartime goes on being a coward.
Every vice was once a virtue, and may become respectable again, just as hatred becomes respectable in wartime.
No time to spare: the expression assumed its full significance, as so many expressions do in wartime.
In the war, most young men were inducted into the armed forces at the age of 17. A group of students was permitted to attend university before taking part in wartime research projects.
In wartime people took action because of what they believed in. In peacetime people were driven by their private concerns.
Maybe this was how you stayed sane in wartime: a handful of noble deeds amid the chaos.
Chickenshit can be recognized instantly because it never has anything to do with winning the war.
No one would believe me but at times I would choose wartime in Saigon over peacetime in Alabama."-Inside Out and Back Again