As a matter of history, the Fourteenth Amendment was not understood to ban segregation on the basis of race.
The 2000 election exposed some ugly history in our country.
Without philosophy, history is always for me dead and dumb.
Franklin Roosevelt was very concerned about environmental issues.
The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.
You want to keep intelligence separate from policy.
Colter Stevens: It's the new me. Christina Warren: I like it.
I like sports, and I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights.
I like all kinds of music - classical, pop, rock, electronic.
I'm strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants.
As in Athens, the right to participate was restricted to men, just as it was also in all later democracies and republics until the twentieth century.
Free men have arms; slaves do not.
The conversation ran as fluidly as the tea out of the samovar’s crooked nose.
My parents came to visit every two months and brought plenty of books.
We have more media than ever and more technology in our lives. It's supposed to help us communicate, but it has the opposite effect of isolating us.
Technology has come such a long way and you could pretty much do everything what's called 'in the box'. It means that it never has to leave your computer.
Christlike attributes come into our lives as we exercise our agenncy righteously.
I feel like a little kid who just walked into a candy store. I think that's something to smile about.
Never chase a lie. Let it alone, and it will run itself to death.
Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred.
A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.