I really love things with melody.
I would love to play Richard III.
I'd love to play some kind of fop.
All mankind love a lover.
Then there's the story of ill-fated love. It's universal.
I have had young fascinations but never love.
Women love an honest man.
I love 'Game of Thrones.'
I'd love to be a 'Bond' girl.
I'm in love with kid's stories and animation.
I would love for models to be protected by a guild.
Paper Moon didn't bring me love.
I'm pretty much in love with 'Adult Swim.'
If I don't love my character, I can't do it.
Love is the one wild card.
My first artistic love was drawing and painting.
Men lie the most. Men lie all the time.
Marriage is hard work, period.
I was made for action movies.
I cast unusual people in my movies.
'Cause movies are human drama, that's it.