The thing I like to do most is shop.
I still have the sword of Inigo Montoya - it's mine!
Shared laughter is erotic too.
I don't pay attention to the ratings.
There are an infinite number of ways to be moved in the theater.
People don't want to be plagued by not knowing-they want answers.
I think guns are terrible.
What do women want? Shoes.
Ironically, I don't like having cameras in my face.
A reputation is really hard to live down.
I'm only as rich as my next film.
I've always wanted to perform on the London stage.
You can't be 16 forever.
I was an English major in college!
I so never went through a bad-girl period.
My therapies went on forever.
The secret to acting is don't act. Be you, with add-ons.
I live a very Kenneth Williams-like existence.
I'm English, and my favorite movie is 'Manhattan.'
I'm the one who's always kissing all the boys and stuff.
I like records. My favorite is Simon and Garfunkel.