I think guitar is the best thing in the world.
A size 16 can be the best shape for you, and you can be healthy.
Bargaining makes you come up with the best ideas.
An incinerator is a writer's best friend.
I've traveled the world in one of the best groups ever. I'm 42.
And nothing is, but what is not.
I can fish from a stick and a string.
My advice to Hillary would be to divorce that chump.
I was different and people made fun of me.
We've performed in South America and in Japan.
We live at the edge of the miraculous.
I certainly never saw myself as posh.
Sometimes we do things that are really awful.
I went to Kerala in India, to learn Ayurveda, which was fantastic.
I will never stop complaining.
I guess you deal with what you get.
I don't mind being called a weirdo.
We are not our own light.
I'm really into nutrition from the inside out.
I always liked red. It's a picker-upper.
A lot of what acting is paying attention.