I've never been onstage in my life.
Music is really driving my whole life.
What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out.
Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility.
Whiskey will always be a part of my life.
My goal is to do cartwheels for the rest of my life.
Remember kids, I have life insurance.
My life is my argument.
I lead an introverted and boring life here in California.
Life's complicated and people do things for a lot of reasons.
My entire life has been a lie.
My greatest passion is my personal life.
You can ruin your life wanting to be an actor.
I have never savored life with such gusto as I do now.
Even in normal life, I'm not the skinniest model.
I do try to live a normal life.
I want to provide a well-rounded perspective of life.
I'm a Hawaiian shirt guy. I've made that life decision.
Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.
You've got to live your life, you've got to enjoy it.
I've done a lot of things in my life.