I don’t know what it is, but he makes me want to knock down all the walls I’ve put up and let him inside. And it scares the shit out of me.
Mary, it must be remembered, was very nearly of the same age as Frank; but, as I and others have so often said before, 'Women grow on the sunny side of the wall.
You sound so reasonable for a man who's been jilted. Can't you sound a bit angry? You just lost the best sex of your life. Punch a wall or something!
I was the ref. I was the ref they didn’t know about. Deaf and dumb. Invisible as a wall. I wanted no one to win
I don’t know what circumstances occurred in your life for you to build such a strong brick wall around your heart, but I do intend to tear it down." ~Cole
Our intelligence cannot wall itself up alive, like a pupa in a chrysalis. It must at any cost keep on speaking terms with the universe that engendered it.
When you build a wall to protect yourself against one person be warned--everyone is now out there except for you.
If I took a candy bar, ripped off the wrapper, ate the candy bar, and pinned the wrapper to the wall, is that art, performance art, both, or neither?
Last night your thin walls invited me to the party next door / reminded me I am a quiet person in a quiet life.
I talk about talking like I listen to listening—in a room with mirrored walls that makes me appreciate the infinity that is God.
Looking out over the courtyard at the dirty walls, he realized he had no idea whether it was hysteria or love.
There is no way out of the imagined order. When we break down our prison walls and run towards freedom, we are in fact running into the more spacious exercise yard of a bigger prison.
Suddenly this is all too hard. I am tired of putting up walls. I want someone with the strength - and the honesty - to break them down.
Pain can either thrust me into the arms of Jesus or make me turn my back on Him. Either way, it's a choice.
We cannot love our enemies until we see those twin truths: God loves me. God loves them.
The roadblocks to growth and joy come when we forget the bigness of God & instead make people bigger than He is.
The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.
All that separated our love lives was one wall, and I was peeping through it. I was wearing Tom’s nametag, so why shouldn’t I act like him?
I hung up the phone, jubilant, and threw myself into a wall, then pretended to be getting electrocuted. I do this when I'm very happy.
I’ll wipe a booger on your wall, not only to say I was here, but also to say thanks for having me over.
Attempting to build a language wall around Quebec is precisely the wrong policy to follow. It will keep out of Quebec exactly what we need to attract by way of talent and capital; it will drive our best - francophones as well as allophones and anglop...