Believe that you're as bright as the stars, Always help others in need, Be super, Be great, Be amazing... Be yourself! Bullying Ben
STOP setting your mind to see only the negative things in life. Place your settings on positive, then kick back and enjoy it for a while!
If people often judge you by the company that you keep...then choose your company wisely my friend, choose wisely!
Keeping your face to the sunshine and your vibes positively high, Helps one in hard times use a smile to replace their sigh
What man can be a real man...if he does not try and help make the world a better place!
We can not stop despair but we can overcome it. We may not cease bullying but we rise above and prevent it, in all helping to brighten humanity
Ben Says: Be different, Be weird, Be special, Be You! If others don't like you because of it, don't worry. Remember, it's their problem...not yours! Bullying Ben
Don't listen to the lies of darkness calling you a failure and that you won't succeed. If you keep working forward in life and believe you'll will! Bullying Ben
What does War, Murder, Genocide, Violence, Abuse, Rape, Domestic Violence, Violence Against Women & Children Have In Common? Everything...they all help destroy precious lives!
Situations will always turn out the best for all those who do their best with the way things have already turned out. Everything in your life can be used for your benefit!
There will always be something That can help louse up your day. All you can do is control your own response. Try not to lose your Happiness over anything
Every time we have a affects our world in either a negative or positive way. Help brighten humanity with positive, loving, peaceful thoughts.
We all have problems...everyone does. The only people that don't have any are buried in cemeteries. Rise above your problems and enjoy your life. Change the way you think and you will.
Truth is...You wouldn't want to sail your boat backwards, so why would you want to sail backwards with your life? Prosperity is always ahead of you & never behind! Bullying Ben
You can’t move forward in your life… If you constantly look at the roads you left behind you. Stay focus on what you want to accomplish today and tomorrow will be a much brighter day!
I can not stop despair but I can stand up & speak truthfully against it to make it uncomfortable every time it knocks on my door! Bullying Ben
The universe is always conspiring to help build a better you and to bring you to the roads of joy and happiness where you will truly enjoy your life. Question is are you doing all you need to do to help meet it?
Live your life to the fullest and never be controlled by fear. You will help make humanity better when you stand up to all injustice done against its children
To have despair is human...for we all have problems that at times burden us. To rise above your trials and tribulations, sadness, suffering and heart aches is above human and quite divine!
Sadly like cancer, we may never fully find a way to STOP bullying. But we can continue to work diligently to help empower children to rise above its despair and lead them to live healthy productive lives in their future. Bullying Ben
STOP wasting precious life listening to lies spawning from the darkness...for the darkness can never tell the truth. Instead,listen inside yourself to the compelling truth of light...for it can never lie. When darkness tells you that you're a failure...