Well-designed visuals do more than provide information; they bring order to the conversation.
I've been obsessed with this kind of visual storytelling for quite a while, and I try to create material that allows me to explore it.
The way that you present yourself visually totally dictates your audience and everything that anyone thinks about you.
Photography is simultaneously and instantaneously the recognition of a fact and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that express and signify that fact
Network television is all talk. I think there should be visuals on a show, some sense of mystery to it, connections that don't add up.
There's definitely a visual aspect and an emotional aspect to a song. And that harks back, for me, to theater.
Well, probably I was fed up with concrete poetry. There was a lot of bad concrete poetry and besides, it was confused with visual poetry which was completely different.
I have a visual sense for the music. It has to stay true to a certain sense of period. I rely on a sense of colors and mood in my approach to the arrangement.
Adam does most of the work when it comes to videos and he basically does the same as I do with the lyrics. The videos are his visual interpretations of our music.
When you are truly stunning, gorgeous and beautiful, you won’t have to prove that to anyone visually.
To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan...believe...act!
I jumped into a crowd full of "u"s they turned into underscores. Hit the pavement hard.” visualization words
With voice over work, you need to convey as much emotion as you can without making any physical movements, so it's hard. You've got to visualize everything.
I am for the art of underwear and the art of taxicabs. I am for the art of ice cream cones dropped on concrete.
I think that high art reposes on popular art, without one there cannot be another.
Poetry is an art, and chief of the fine art; the easiest to dabble in, the hardest in which to reach true excellence.
We need our Arts to teach us how to breathe
We have our Arts so we won't die of Truth
The art of chess is akin to the art of war itself; full of strategy and cunning, yet clever placements.
I didn't know anything about martial arts. I'm a big fan, but I never practiced martial arts.
A poverty-stricken nation with a great art is a greater nation than a wealthy nation with a poverty-stricken art.