The companies that work are the ones that people really care about and have a vision for the world so do something you like.
Here's what we're not taught [about the Declaration and Constitution]: Those words at the time they were written were blazingly, electrifyingly subversive. If you understand them truly now, they still are. You are not taught - and it is a disgrace th...
Al parecer anhelamos un privilegio, merecido no por nuestros esfuerzos, sino por nacimiento, digamos que por el mero hecho de ser humanos y de haber nacido en la Tierra. Podríamos llamarla la noción antropocéntrica, <>. Está noción alcanza su cu...
Una científica compañera mía me contaba un reciente viaje que realizó a la meseta de Nueva Guinea, donde visitó una tribu todavía en la edad de piedra que apenas había tenido contactos con la civilización. Ignoraban lo que son los relojes de ...
Before we invented civilization our ancestors lived mainly in the open out under the sky. Before we devised artificial lights and atmospheric pollution and modern forms of nocturnal entertainment we watched the stars. There were practical calendar re...
Failure to use tax money to finance things not liked by the taxpaying public is routinely called ‘censorship.’ If such terminology were used consistently, virtually all of life would be just one long, unending censorship, as individuals choose wh...
What sense would it make to classify a man as handicapped because he is in a wheelchair today, if he is expected to be walking again in a month, and competing in track meets before the year is out? Yet Americans are generally given 'class' labels on ...
Obsession. It starts with a spark. A flicker. At the strike of a match. Lying dormant in most of us, obsession feasts on the fumes, breathes in the smoky scent, curing around and in on itself. Building. We pet it, nurse it into existence. It is ours....
The Vision: I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique... and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth. So he must be destroyed: every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the 'net. We have to act now, and not one of us can do it...
Ma vision de l'amour n'a pas changé, mais ma vision du monde, oui. C'est super agréable d'être lesbienne. Je me sens moins concernée par la féminité, par l'approbation des hommes, par tous ces trucs qu'on s'impose pour eux. Et je me sens aussi ...
There is a fissure in my vision and madness will always rush through.
My prayer; Lord,open my eyes to see good visions.
May you have faith to pursue your heavenly visions.
What is your vision of ideal world?
Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression.
A country without vision runs to every direction.
Live your vision and demand your success.
Men of passion and vision are often seen as mad.
Nothing is unbelievable, just expand your vision.
Divine possibilities; visions, dreams and goals.
Vision without implementation is counterproductive.