The Kapoor surname has legend, a passion for acting, respect and love attached to it. And I am very proud of that.
I love Indian music very much, but I haven't studied that specifically.
A very well-rounded intelligent mind is a wealth of its own.
The best is yet to come, but you must first put in your very best.
There is nothing uglier than a very beautiful face with an ugly heart.
The personal appearances and red carpet events are very glitzy, but it's a bit false.
My doctors say I am very healthy.
The main concern with a very large baby is difficulty in delivery.
Elegance is very dangerous. It's like TNT. A little goes a long way.
It's very flattering to feel like you actually helped create a sub-genre.
Every week in a small town is very different. Something is going on.
Google is very much a not-invented-here, build-it-ourselves culture.
Collaboration is the way to go. It's very timely and fun to do.
We belabour, I think, under a very heavy crust of consumerism really.
And then the first was The Misfits, which I enjoyed very much, with Marilyn and Gable.
Everything has changed. An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive.
I had an agenda. It was a very smooth transition.
Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.
If wishes were horses, I'd need a very big stable.
The very essence of instinct is that it's followed independently of reason.
You wouldn't want to land on the Moon and launch to Mars. That would be very inefficient.