I have very interesting hobbies like archeology and photography.
I'm a bit of a recluse, very fond of my own company.
I have a sentimental feeling for my very first cover I was on - it was 'Bazaar' Magazine.
I like chords that are very lush with all the lush parts taken out.
I was very productive as a senator for my state.
We're not very accepting of people who act strangely.
I think evil is very relative.
Poets take themselves very seriously.
Israel's a small country but both the audience and programme-makers are very sophisticated.
Comedy is very controlling - you are making people laugh.
I'm just very obsessed with Japanese stuff in general.
I've always been very intense about everything I do.
Malice is of a low stature, but it hath very long arms.
I have enjoyed acting very much, because I know it's not for real!
I thought this convention phenomenon was very flattering, but that's about the extent of it.
My dream was always to be a composer, but fashion came very easily.
I'm hardly macho. I present myself as very unnoticeable.
I'm very happy I get to keep working - it's an insanely fortunate thing.
The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.
I'm very optimistic, but I'm optimistic about individuals, not institutions.
Egypt is a large, complex, very important country.