I'd always felt very strongly in the power of vocation.
Reality can be very boring.
I am easily satisfied with the very best.
It is very lonely sometimes, trying to play God.
I wasn't a very good student. I prefer to learn by experience.
Truly charismatic people, in my experience, don't come along very often.
Whereas for me, touring tends to be a very strange and isolating experience.
I'm a very professional man. I'm not out for the experience of adventure.
I take my part in the food chain very seriously.
Television in the '80s was very limited. There was no Food Network.
Ambitious failure, magnificent failure, is a very good thing.
Coming to terms with the fact that my marriage was a failure was devastating and very difficult.
Luckily for me I have a very supportive family and a loving group of friends.
Also, my mom and family are very important to me and I know that this is not expected.
The nuclear family doesn't work. It's very destructive; it grew out of selfishness.
My whole family is very artistic - my uncles are all actors and theatre directors.
I grew up with a family that had very little and were at times homeless.
Business ends up being very dynamic and situational.
The music business can be very cold. And it doesn't honor its elders.
I've been very inspired by Virgin's model of business as a force for good.
Cable is a niche business. If you can own a niche, that can be a very strong business.