V: The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain.
V: Penny for the Guy?
Evey Hammond: God is in the rain...
Creedy: Not so funny now is it, funny man?
V: There's no certainty - only opportunity.
Evey Hammond: Are you a Muslim? Gordon Deitrich: No, I'm in television.
V: There is no court in this country for men like Prothero.
Peace does not include a vendetta; there will be neither winners nor losers.
I don't want to pass a punitive law, or use politics as a vendetta.
When you have no one to answer to, vendetta as investment strategy is as legitimate as anything.
V: There are no coincidences, Delia... only the illusion of coincidence.
Evey Hammond: What is that? Gordon Deitrich: It's a copy of the Quran, 14th century.
Evey Hammond: I can't feel *anything* anymore!
V: It is to Madame Justice that I dedicate this concerto.
V: People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
V: What was done to me was monstrous. Evey Hammond: And they created a monster.
Lewis Prothero: You... it is you! V: The Ghost of Christmas past.
Lewis Prothero: Strength through unity! Unity through faith!
Lilliman: Oh please, have mercy! V: Oh, not tonight Bishop... not tonight!
Sutler: Spare us your professional annotations, Mr. Finch. They are irrelevant.
People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.