To create a work of art is to create the world.
I'm the oldest antique in town.
I am a pupil of Pissarro.
I have sworn to die painting.
Seeing is in itself a movement.
Without atmosphere a painting is nothing.
Curiosity is the main energy...
I'm not a pessimist at all, but I'm not an optimist, either.
Color is a matter of taste and of sensitivity.
The photograph isn't good enough. It's not real enough.
In America, life is introverted, self-absorbed - and so is their music.
One must act in painting as in life, directly.
My life is so full of sacrifices.
In love, the one who runs away is the winner.
Expiring for love is beautiful but stupid.
I must have flowers, always, and always.
I can't paint as well as Vermeer.
Mine is the horny hand of toil.
There are enough no smoking places now.
The moment rules over everything.
I'm a bit of a propagandist.