Our individualism has always been bound by a set of communal values, the glue upon which every healthy society depends.
In social media, people cannot build big followings organically unless what they are putting out to the world has value.
To feel valued, to know, even if only once in a while, that you can do a job well is an absolutely marvelous feeling.
I think if people value democracy, they had damn well better get out and exercise their right to vote while their vote still means something.
Troubles may come and doubts may arise along the way. But the faithful heart will always conquer everything because it values trust and loyalty.
We don’t vote for people because they are the exact embodiment of our values, but because they are likely to be the most responsive to them.
Your life is not a result of your potential, skills or desires, but of your consistent expectations and actions, which largely flow from your values and beliefs.
I think we have very steady records of President Putin, who inherited the country with democratic values.
States which used to communicate directly to their citizens now do so through the media, where their messages are reshaped by the logics of news values and commentary.
Before Google, and long before Facebook, Bezos had realized that the greatest value of an online company lay in the consumer data it collected.
What the Internet's value is that you have access to information but you also have access to every lunatic that's out there that wants to throw up a blog.
You make the right decision for the long run. You manage for the long run, and you continue to move to higher value. That's what I think my job is.
I think the acquisition of consumers might be on the verge of being mapped. The battlefield is going to be retention and lifetime value.
How often are the perpetrators of hate-crimes discovered to be self-loathing? Valued individuals do not strike out against strangers.
My hypothesis is that conservative Republicans have very clear values, and when you have that, you're simply more relaxed.
America deserves common sense immigration reform that reflects our interests and our values as Americans.
Thirty thousand a year was all right, but dyspepsia and inability to be humanly happy robbed such princely income of all its value.
I'm part of a party that I think values making sure that everyone in this country has an opportunity to succeed. That's why I'm a Democrat.
I reject the premise that liberal and libertarian values are necessarily in conflict. In fact, I often self-identify as a 'classical liberal.'
Operating under the conscious capitalism model will show that businesses are the true value creators that can push all of humanity upward for continuous improvement.
Celebrity has lost its value - all you have to do is go on a reality TV show for six weeks and everybody knows your name.