As young cook, especially in France, they're very tough in the kitchen. The idea is to make you humble and learn fast.
The supposed inferiority of a constructed language to a national one on the score of richness of connotation is, of course, no criticism of the idea of a constructed language.
As we watch TV or films, there are no organic transitions, only edits. The idea of A becoming B, rather than A jumping to B, has become foreign.
There is an idea, the basis of an internal structure, expanded and split into different shapes or groups of sound constantly changing in shape, direction, and speed, attracted and repulsed by various forces.
Some writers are so enthralled by ideas (one thinks of Doris Lessing) that their characters become debaters, and their fables approach allegory.
The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he'll fight and die for it." [As quoted in , April 25, 2011]
The idea that global warming is the most important problem facing the world is total nonsense and is doing a lot of harm.
I allowed Rick Santorum to express views and ideas that the American people never would have had expressed.
An idea ran backward and forward in his head like a blind man, knocking over the solid furniture.
Exercising the right of occasional suppression and slight modification, it is truly absurd to see how plastic a limited number of observations become, in the hands of men with preconceived ideas.
Don't make the Divine a nincompoop's idea, of being a man-like entity. What you see here is merely a wandering whirlwind of Infinity.
I always wear the shoes of the character a week before going on set; the idea of just putting on a new pair of shoes on the first day of filming is just horrific.
We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.
Remember that you don't write a story because you have an idea but because you have a believable character.
A Republic without parties is a complete anomaly. The histories of all popular governments show absurd is the idea of their attempting to exist without parties.
For at the heart of the uniform, reasoning is shaky and elusive: a mind in search of ideas should first stock up on appearances.
Whitney wanted to eradicate the idea that in the case of a language we are dealing with a natural faculty; in fact, social institutions stand opposed to natural institutions.
For someone so conflicted, who am I to give advice to anybody? It’s such a funny, grandiose idea
The idea that 'if you don't like how things are going, you can just leave' is so ingrained in Texas, the secession movement is no surprise.
As someone who has always felt at times pretty genderless because of my size, it interests me to challenge ideas of prejudice and femininity, and what it is to be a woman.
It [feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.