All over the world when you test men and women for facial cue recognition, women test... better. It's a negotiation tool.
The camera is my tool. Through it I give a reason to everything around me.
Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.
The mobile phone... is a tool for those whose professions require a fast response, such as doctors or plumbers.
The most satisfactory definition of man from the scientific point of view is probably Man the Tool-maker.
The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.
I try to get people thinking, to consider their pasts and presents, ultimately encouraging them and giving them the tools to embrace the work of reshaping their lives.
Sun's role in the grand scheme of development is to work on the runtime environment and the APIs. The tools we produce are much more for systems programmers, not enterprise developers.
It was the same in World War I, when Woodrow Wilson, also a tool of the Jews, maneuvered it into the war.
To understand our faith -- to theologize in the Catholic tradition -- we need philosophy. We must use the philosophical language of God, person, creation, relationship, identity, natural law, virtues, conscience, moral norms if we are to think about ...
Those of us who work in the field of trauma and abuse, whether psychologists, psychoanalysts, social workers, doctors, counselors, or psychotherapists, have been provided with beautiful tools for understanding the impact of trauma. We become adept at...
I stand here on the summit of the mountain. I lift my head and I spread my arms. This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest. I wished to know the meaning of all things. I am the meaning. I wished to find a warrant for being. I need no war...
We naturally think from our own perspective, from a point of view which tends to privilege our position. Fairness implies the treating of all relevant viewpoints alike without reference to one's own feelings or interests. Because we tend to be biased...
This is the result of our choices. Literacy and knowing how to respect oneself beyond being just a marketing tool that is sold every lousy idea and impression of society could easily erase much of the crime. Ideas make us who we are and a person bank...
In asking philosophical questions, we use a reason shaped by the body, a cognitive unconscious to which we have no direct access, and metaphorical thought of which we are largely unaware. The fact that abstract thought is mostly metaphorical means th...
We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infintesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no pre...
Poetry is a tool for writers to create literature in different forms of expression and messages.
Many people do not want to forfeit their fears. Fear is the only tool they know.
I have played on many teams throughout my career, and I know when a team has the tools, and the right positive attitude towards winning.
At a relatively early age, I began to believe that building a business was perhaps the greatest opportunity for making an impact, because it's a tool for making a change in the world.
My best advice is to not start in PowerPoint. Presentation tools force you to think through information linearly, and you really need to start by thinking of the whole instead of the individual lines.