No matter how useful we may be, sometimes it takes us a while to recognize our own value.
The Tao of PoohThe best government is that which governs least.
United States Magazine, Or, General Repository of Useful Instruction and Rational Amusement.One cannot use the life to interpret the work. But One can use the work to interpret the life.
Under the Sign of Saturn: EssaysThe thing is, I'm not the only one this consciousness stuff is happening to.
Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth & HealingGod, listen to the absurdity within us and raise us from the illusion!
Wisdom Collection: The Book of WisdomMainstream news wants to keep you as a useful idiot. Instead, try being a non-useful idiot.
XazaqazaxSometimes our emotions rule us. How we handle the consequences . . . defines us.
Forged in Dreams and MagickWe have given most of Europe to Hitler. Let us try to hold on to what we have got left.
Pierre LavalGod wants us to delight in living His purpose for us, which is why our passion plays a huge part!
Paige Omartian