When you're dealing with digital goods, you don't have to be tied to one URL.
But despite the universality of URLs, we often forget that they're not just a handy way to address network resources. They're also valuable communication tools.
If you're a Firefox user, you get accustomed to your history and the URL bar and finding things. That should be available on your mobile phone as well.
The Internet is the easiest thing to get into. To be an Internet retailer, you just get that URL.
Thanks to our friends at the dot-ME Registry, WordPress is able to offer one of the shortest and most effective URLs available today.
That idea of URL was the basic clue to the universality of the Web. That was the only thing I insisted upon.
If you want to put out a song that you wrote yesterday, tomorrow go on Twitter, type in a new URL, and give it to the people!
Eventually, if you had a printer that is IPP compliant, that printer will have a Web address and anyone around the world who can get on the Internet can print to that URL.
The most important thing that was new was the idea of URI-or URL, that any piece of information anywhere should have an identifier, which will allow you to get hold of it.
Be careful not to start a company that really belongs as a feature of another company, like the 25 Twitter URL shortener companies out there. Pick a real problem that's here to stay.
Just mention the idea of warrantless wiretaps and expect to get hit up with a congressional investigation. But give somebody an avatar and a URL, and he can't tweet, post or hyperlink enough personal information about himself to as many people as pos...
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