Because these show are live, script pages are being switched during the program and new commercial teases might be yelled in your ear with just enough time to scribble them on scrap paper before reading them.
I started directing videos at the same time that Michel Gondry was starting to direct videos, and I watched what he'd do. They all seemed to be pushing some new visual effects idea, but never just for spectacle. They all captured a feeling.
I enjoy playing clubs. I still enjoy the closeness of the nightclub venue. However, after a certain period of time and after playing around some of the clubs in New YorkI felt that jazz should be presented in a more prestigious atmosphere.
I think when you get past your second album, it all becomes something of a routine. So you have to struggle against that, find a way of making what you do sound fresh and new each time.
NATO was built to counteract the Soviet Union in its day and time. At this point there is no threat coming from the Soviet Union, because there is no Soviet Union anymore. And where there was the Soviet Union once, there is now a number of countries,...
Travelers are always discoverers, especially those who travel by air. There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas.
Things that have happened with Enron and companies like that, where they've squandered their employees' pension funds, I think it has brought a new level of anxiety. People don't feel like they can trust their employer.
Will some reporter, or some Republican on the Sunday shows, please ask why tax cuts raid the non-existent Social Security Trust Fund but all the Democrats' new spending doesn't? Will someone please ask that?
[the third murder has just been discovered] Inspector Grandpierre: Three of them. All in their pyjamas? C'est ridicule! What is it, some new American fad?
Wolf: I'm lookin' for a new punk! Frank Morris: Good luck. Wolf: You don't understand. I just found her!
Koulikov: [falling after being shot] Son of a bitch! These are new pants. I just took them off a captain from the 251st yesterday.
Sergeant Prendergast: Fuck you, Fuck you very much. [continues walking past Yardly and the news crews] Captain Yardley: You're welcome...
Forrest Gump: She got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it. And that's all I have to say about that.
Olaf: Oh, I love it. It's so cute. It like a little baby unicorn. [touches his new carrot nose excitedly]
Melvin Udall: I don't get this place. They make me buy a new outfit and let you in a housedress. I don't get it.
Paul Edgecomb: I wanna hear about this new inmate, aside from how big he is! Brutus "Brutal" Howell: Monstrous big!
Lisbeth Salander: [to Palmgren] I got a call from social welfare. I've been assigned a new guardian.
Vincent: [narrating] I belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the color of your skin. No, we now have discrimination down to a science.
Blondie: [With Tuco's gun pointed at him, Blondie has no choice but to let his new partner hang] Sorry, Shorty.
Captain Ramius: When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result his men were well motivated.
Neville Longbottom: [about his new Remembrall] Only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten.