I have to smile. He's such a dork. But I'm starting to realize the one good thing that's happened: he's my dork.
Keep your chin up. Eventually, you will meet someone who cares about your opinion. I'm so sorry I'm not her.
No! I need to go home," I say, but then the realization comes: My mother was my home. My mother is dead.
People who have been initiated "broke through in what felt like breaking down".
Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.
He stepped down, avoiding any long look at her as one avoids long looks at the sun, but seeing her as one sees the sun, without looking.
Words are tears that have been written down. Tears are words that need to be shed. Without them, joy loses all its brilliance and sadness has no end.
He still smiles all the time, but now his smiles look like they're made out of water, about to drip down his face.
When you're down, remember your triumphs. [...] Sometimes you get in trouble and crash. Other times: just a bumpy landing.
I found myself being helped down to the car. That sort of help is actually a hindrance. If you ever see someone with a walking stick, that stick, and their arm, are actually a leg.
This is laid down with a groove funkier and blacker than anything Prince of Michael Jackson--or any other black artist of the recent years for that matter--has come up with.
...maybe you think up North is way different from down South. Don't believe it and don't count on it. Custom is just as real as law and can be just as dangerous.
When you slow down and focus on completing one task at a time, your life will automatically diversify.
Friday was an important day for Harry and Ron. They finally managed to find their way down to the Great Hall without getting lost once.
...there was something in the texture of the weave that felt happy: the echo of a memory so far down in his soul it was all emotion, a burst of colour and warmth, adrift from time and place.
The zipper on my crotch is an air vent. I need some way to cool down my hot coffee.
In 1901, Jacksonville burned down in a fire, killing only seven people. Well, the fire killed four people, and I murdered the other three.
she committed suicide by putting her extremities down the garbage disposal-first one arm and then, kind of miraculously if you think about it, the other arm.
Bravo," said Grimalkin, peering down from Cold Tom's chest. "The Winter prince and Oberon's jester agreeing on something. The world must be ending.
Oh that looked painful," called another Puck, a little farther down. "We really need to talk about your anger-management problems.
If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?