You who never arrived in my arms, Beloved, who were lost from the start, I don't even know what songs would please you. I have given up trying to recognize you in the surging wave of the next moment. All the immense images in me -- the far-off, deepl...
Toasted almond pancakes. Sweet soft 'okays'. Makin' me laugh more in a few weeks than I have in decades. 'Yes, Daddys' I feel in my dick. The first voicemail you left me, babe. I saved it and I listen to it once a day. If I lose focus, I see you on y...
So, I believe that what you are looking for, really looking for, is that one person who is capable of recognizing you no matter what. You know, that one person who is going to be able to see past what everybody else sees and even past what you yourse...
I have hope in who I am becoming. I have belief in every scar and disgraceful word I have ever spoken or been told because it is still teaching me and I have hope in who I am becoming. They say it takes 756 days to run to someone you love and they al...
if everything happens that can't be done (and anything's righter than books could plan) the stupidest teacher will almost guess (with a run skip around we go yes) there's nothing as something as one one hasn't a why or because or although (and buds k...
Bad lovers face to face in the morning Shy apologies and polite regrets Slow dances that left no warning of Outraged glances and indiscreet yawning Good manners and bad breath get you nowhere Even presidents have newspaper lovers Ministers go crawlin...
Emmeline Finch: I'm only thinking of Russell's condition. Mrs. Marcus: You mean his financial condition, because that's the only condition that he has. J. Russell Finch: Yeah but... Mrs. Marcus: Emmeline, do you know why your husband had a nervous br...
Police radio voice unit F-7: [voice] F-7 to Central. The Crumps are locked in a hardware store basement. Should I let them out? Over. Capt. T.G. Culpeper: How the hell could they get themselves locked in a basement? We gotta let them out. Police serg...
Leah: Yo Yo Yiggady Yo. Juno MacGuff: I'm at suicide risk. Leah: Juno? Juno MacGuff: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting? Leah: Only the one in my pants... Juno MacGuff: I'm pregnant. Leah: What? Honest to blog? Juno M...
John Hammond: Dennis, our lives are in your hands and you have butterfingers? Dennis Nedry: [laughs] I am totally unappreciated in my time. You can run this whole park from this room with minimal staff for up to 3 days. You think that kind of automat...
Nokes: [after breaking up fight] So you Hell's Kitchen's Boys get any lunch? Young Michael: I got to smell it. Nokes: [laughing] You got to smell it, that's good [boys start walking back to line] Nokes: , Hey, Hey, Hey, where you going? Young Michael...
Judah Rosenthal: And after the awful deed is done, he finds that he's plagued by deep-rooted guilt. Little sparks of his religious background which he'd rejected are suddenly stirred up. He hears his father's voice. He imagines that God is watching h...
Ida 'Big Momma' Pollitt: What's all this about? Gooper Pollitt: Doc, Big Mama wants the whole truth about the report we got from the clinic today. Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: The truth, the truth! Everybody keeps hollering about the truth. Well, the t...
Nicky Santoro: You call yourself a man? You know you're a lying, lowlife motherfucking gambling degenerate prick. You know that's what you are? Two small kids at home? I gave you money to pay the fucking rent, buy groceries, put the heat on? You know...
Ginger: [rear-ending Sam's car repeatedly] You come down here right now! Get down here and talk to me, goddamn it! Don't fucking ignore me, you motherfucker! I mean it! You come down here right now! Get down here and talk to me, goddamn it! Fuck you!...
Steve Rogers: You should be proud of yourself, Peggy. [looks at Peggy's family photos by her table bedside her, showing her with her husband and children] Peggy Carter: Mm. I have lived a life. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours. [Se...
Mr. Jaffe: The usual lunch or the usual dinner? Harry Callahan: Well, what difference does that make? Mr. Jaffe: None. Harry Callahan: Say Jaffe, is that Tan Ford still parked in front of the bank? Mr. Jaffe: Tan ford... [checks] Mr. Jaffe: Yep. Tan ...
The Joker: I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "accordi...
Frank Costello: You know, if your father were alive, and saw you here sitting with me, let's say he would have a word with me about this. In fact, he'd kill seven guys just to cut my throat, and he could do it. That's maybe something you don't know a...
[Batman and Selina have just escaped from Bane and his mercenaries in the Bat. Batman lands it on top of a skyscraper and Selina immediately hops out] Catwoman: See you around. Batman: You're welcome. Catwoman: I had it under control. Batman: Those w...
Dr. King Schultz: My name is Dr. King Schultz, and like yourself, Marshall, I am a servant of the court. The man lying dead in the dirt, who the good people of Daughtrey saw fit to elect as their sheriff, who went by the name of Bill Sharp, is actual...