The smile of a rose uplifts the nightingale.
If water was beer I'd be a teetotaler
Words can be a fortress or a drawbridge to disaster
Being kind is not hereditary
The less you need, the more you live
My philosophical heart will not judge thee
A sneeze can never be to far away
Always take a compliment, even if it’s not yours
Best that all mischief be undertaken behind a squeaky door
Always think backwards before moving forwards
When penciling in your future, always use a pen
Frame everything and some of it will become art.
I was going to shave this morning but mislaid my chin
Old age is not just for grown up's
Always stay one step a head, unless you’re already there
The more you give the less your poor
I used to be a know it all, then I learnt something else
You can label jam, you can't label man
When your diary is full and your life is empty, get a date
Hate is bait for the devil, love is the gate to god
Think before you speak, unless it's urgent