If our two loves be one, or, thou and I Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.
The Complete English Poemsit (love) must be a conscious choice and not an emotional response (Matthew 5:46).
Cupidity: 50 Stupid Things People Do For Love And How To Avoid Themlove doesn't have to feel good in order to exist.
Cupidity: 50 Stupid Things People Do For Love And How To Avoid ThemThis house is just a thing .... On your love list, always put the beating hearts at the top.
Dog Crazy: A Novel of Love Lost and FoundLove is rare and hard to find and takes years upon years to develop. Teenagers don't fall in love.
The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat FriendYou're never too old to laugh at stories about love and sex.
Dating and Mating Secrets of Seniors and Other Short Stories of Love and Sex