The spaces between stars are where the work of the universe is done.
This House of Sky: Landscapes of a Western MindThe universe doesn't hand out blank cards to play. You will know your hand soon enough.
Undeniably Choseni don't think college is something you should tough out.
The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest UniversityIn the evangelical world, prying can be an indicator of compassion.
The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest UniversityDogs are the magicians of the universe.
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman ArchetypeEvery carbon atom in every living thing on the planet was produced in the heart of a dying star.
Wonders of the UniverseA mystery of the universe is how it has managed to survive with so much volunteer help.
Young Men and FireThe Universe is a continuous web. Touch it at any point and the whole web quivers." Stanley Kunitz
You Are So You!: The Path to Uplifting Hearts