You get to the point in life where you realize you have to roll up your sleeves, deal with the consequences of what happens, and carry your own weight.
Man - life in general - seems irrelevant to the workings of the universe: a mere smudge of water, grease, and carbon on a pinpoint planet circling a star of no special consequence.
As short as life is, your decisions and actions could still make it shorter. Always think about consequences before taking actions.
We ought to recognize that religious strife is not the consequence of differences among people. It's about conflicts between creation stories.
A technological advance of a major sort almost always is overestimated in the short run for its consequences - and underestimated in the long run.
A necessary consequent of religious belief is the attaching ideas of merit to that belief, and of demerit to its absence.
Rationalism, which is the feeling that everything is subject to and completely explicable by Reason, consequently rejects everything not visible and calculable.
'The Guardian,' with its deep journalistic traditions, is careful about context and explanation. It sees itself as a gatekeeper, and it worries about consequences.
The fact is, violence is not only not a beautiful thing, but it's also very painful and not without consequences for the perpetrator as well as the victim.
If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result.
Things and actions are what they are, and the consequences of them will be what they will be: why then should we desire to be deceived?
Nuclear weapons and TV have simply intensified the consequences of our tendencies, upped the stakes.
There is not much that even the most socially responsible scientists can do as individuals, or even as a group, about the social consequences of their activities.
In India, there are real consequences to inattention; drivers who jeopardize pedestrians can be lynched on the spot.
It is of no consequence what others think of you. What matters is what you think of them. That is how you live your life.
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.
Greed can't again lead the way. We've taken that route before with terrible consequences for this nation and its people.
Consequently, most of us really exist at the mercy of other people's formulations of what's important.
A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.
Every friend to the liberty of his country is bound to reflect, and step forward to prevent the dreadful consequences which shall result from a government of events.
I don't give advice. I can't tell anybody what to do. Instead I say this is what we know about this problem at this time. And here are the consequences of these actions.