But you hate poetry! Yes, but you make me want to write it.
I'm only realizing now that I was a child actress because I always took myself so seriously.
I was never taught how to raise a child, because I wasn't raised properly.
Every German child learns to speak English in school.
Growing Literacy of the Heart and Mind Cultivates the Landscape of a Child's Future.
There comes a moment as a parent when you realize you will no longer be the center of your child's universe.
A poet more than thirty years old is simply an overgrown child.
As a child soldier, your rights are constantly violated.
There is a 'sanctity' involved with bringing a child into this world: it is better than bombing one out of it.
One seeks to equip the child with deeper, more gripping, and subtler ways of knowing the world and himself.
It is never acceptable for us to be the cause of any child to feel unloved or worthless.
One of the joys of being a grandparent is getting to see the world again through the eyes of a child.
I think they look upon me as an old child, because I'm so little.
Parenting the outside of the child is as useless as polishing a rotten apple.
I was not influenced by concerts as a child, but I was very strongly influenced by the ballets I saw.
Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything.
There are not that many parts for actors who are not white - even less substantive ones.
At the premieres, I always watch the audience. If a child asks to go to the bathroom, I know I've failed.
My brother and I were separated when I was a child; we went with different parents.
The greatest thing you can give a child is confidence.
These airplanes we have today are no more than a perfection of a child's toy made of paper.