¿Sabías que dos personas que se encuentran por lo menos tres veces en menos de veinticuatro horas tienen un noventa y ocho por ciento más de probabilidades de volver a encontrarse?
Para poder todavía osar el salto en el espacio, tenía un lobo estepario así que enfrentarse alguna vez consigo mismo, mirar hondamente en el caos de la propia alma y llegar a la plena conciencia de sí.
- Dzert jums nevajadzēs? Ahā! Andrs tūliņ saprata: apdzirdīt grib! un atteica cieti: - Nē, mēs nedzeram. - Nē, nedzeram, - Bukstiņš apstiprināja. - Tas ir, kādreiz iedzeram ar, bet šovakar mums negribas.
Sejam submissos ao bispo e também uns aos outros, assim como Jesus Cristo Se submeteu, na carne, ao Pai, e os apóstolos se submeteram a Cristo, ao Pai e ao Espírito, a fim de que haja união, tanto física como espiritual.
El cuento requiere una reducción del campo narrativo análoga al estrechamiento de conciencia que acompaña a las ideas fijas. En cierto modo, el cuentista procede como un obseso.
Don't throw away another day! No more procrastinating! Only YOU can make it happen. So, UN-ASS the couch and make it happen!
On peut enivrer les Allemands de l'ivresse d'être Allemands et compatriotes de Beethoven. On peut en saouler jusqu'au soutier. C'est, certes, plus facile que de tirer du soutier un Beethoven.
Cred ca am gresit, ca am pierdut, intr-un anumit moment, legatura cu femeia pe care o iubeam. Iar acum nu am nevoie decat de-o harta, vreau sa ma duc la ea
For one who has an interest in the body as text, airports are treasure troves of information. It seems almost un-American to enjoy delays, and perhaps enjoy is not the best word, but certainly a delayed flight, if it does nothing else, allows one the...
And in England there has always been something deeply pro-Arab, of course, not among all Englishmen, and anti-Israeli, in the establishment. They abstained in the 1947 UN partition resolution... They maintained an arms embargo against us in the 1950s...
I'm exceptionally email un-savvy, so to reply to my emails is like a torture. It's like literally, half of all my emails, I get my secretary to type out for me. And the personal ones, I avoid and just pick up the phone and call them.
...la alegría infantil de sumergirse en una conversación inesperada con un completo desconocido para descubrirse, horas después -y bajo toneladas hipercalóricas de "¿leíste a tal?". "¡Sí! ¿Y leíste a tal?". "¡Sí! ¿Y leíste a tal?"-, pen...
... la alegría infantil de sumergirse en una conversación inesperada con un completo desconocido para descubrirse, horas después -y bajo toneladas hipercalóricas de "¿leíste a tal?". "¡Sí! ¿Y leíste a tal?". "¡Sí! ¿Y leíste a tal?"-, pe...
la vida, de eso va, es un viaje, y es el valor y la energía para dar siempre el siguiente y el siguiente paso sin hacer juicios acerca de qué hicimos bien o en qué nos equivocamos.
Bientôt ou dans un cycle, ce sera de nouveau son tour de me prouver la qualité de son feu. Je ne lui manquerai pas, elle ne me manquera pas--et tout sera consumé.
If you put a woman in prison for four years when she's young and make her pay her time in a horrible place and she wants to come out and work, and become a mother and be a contributor to society and pay taxes and you never give her that chance. There...
Saddam Hussein has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do.
I was a young-un when I got my first million. Then I realized if I got one, I could get two. If I could get two, I could get ten. If I could get ten, I could get a hundred.
Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of m...
The UN Commission on Human Rights, whose membership in recent years has included countries - such as Libya and Sudan - which have deplorable human rights records, and the recent Oil-for-Food scandal, are just a few examples of why reform is so impera...
Rita: Believe it or not, I studied nineteenth-century French poetry. Phil: La fille que j'aimera Sera comme bon vin Qui se bonifiera Un peux chaques matin Rita: You speak French? Phil: Oui.