El amor más hermoso es un cálculo equivocado, una excepción que confirma la regla, aquello para lo que siempre habías utilizado la palabra "nunca". Niki - Perdona si te llamo amor.
Nunca amamos a alguien. Amamos, tan sólo, la idea que nos hacemos de alguien. Es a un concepto nuestro –en suma, es a nosotros mismo– a quien amamos.
Even artificial flowers have a vase. Life is Beautiful. (Même les fleurs artificielles Ont un vase. La vie est belle.)
The cat that laughs is crazy. Man who does not laugh is below... (Le chat qui rit est un fou. - Homme qui ne rit est dessous...)
I'll give you a gift." Too late, you're already there ... ("Je vais t'offrir un cadeau." - Trop tard: tu es déjà là ...)
The work trains the youth. I have a start of old age ... (Le travail forme la jeunesse. - J'ai un début de vieillesse ...)
Todo eso de que los besos de ciertas bocas saben mejor, es un cuento que me sé desde el día que me dio dos besos y me dijo su nombre.
Der Schlaf, den wir ersehnen, der vollkommene Schlaf, ist traumlos. Wir werden von Träumen heimgesucht, sobald wir gelernt haben, uns zu erinnern und Reue zu empfinden
You never know when you're going to be considered un-hip... The people that really pass judgment on you really have nothing to do with what you do, usually.
Tiene miedo. Es mucho mas fácil cerrarse a las personas que amarlas. Si uno se rodea el corazón con un sólido muro, nadie puede acercarse lo bastante para romperlo. ¿No le parece?
The idea that UN commitments should be followed by action is indeed a radical one, especially for the United States, where wilful neglect of its own commitments is the rule.
Today's message to Baghdad is very clear: the UN Security Council resolution expresses the unity and determination of the entire international community to assume its collective responsibility.
The interests of the United States are better served by demanding reform and seeing that reform takes place than by removing our influence from the UN.
The third point is that for some time the UN has been talking about helping Afghanistan in the reconstruction of the country but there has never been any real commitment by the international community to provide resources for that.
Se la speranza è un sentimento che può sconfiggere la paura, allora in quel momento che ho camminato in salita attraverso sul letto di neve, le mie tracce erano di gioia determinazione.
We need a reform of the Security Council. It must be perceived as truly representative by all the 191 member states, to uphold the credibility and legitimacy of the UN as the main political arena.
Gute Reise, Gute Reise. Ein Jahr vergeht wie ein Moment. Und komm gesund zurück. Gute Reise, Gute Reise. Keine Grenze, die uns trennt. Und komm gesund zurück, komm gesund zurück.
Un día soleado no significa nada, alguien está entrando en mi corazón, solo busca una oportunidad, en mi melancolía preciosa mujer volaste a mi por error.
This is no job for a UN committee. It needs the same kind of unwavering dedication and the kinds of people that got us the first nuclear submarine and the first man on the moon.
We're not getting involved in terms of sending ground forces into Libya. Let's be clear about that. And indeed the UN Resolution forbids that. It says no foreign occupation of any part of Libya.
Ilenia era stata una loro compagna di liceo. Single convinta da due anni e precisamente da quando aveva beccato Fabrizio, il fidanzato storico, a letto con "Robin Hood". Ovvero con un altro uomo completamente nudo, ma con indosso gli stivaletti e il ...