Bo Peep: This is for Woody, when you find him. [She gives Buzz a long kiss] Buzz Lightyear: [cough] Um, okay, but it won't be the same coming from me.
Patty: How do you go to the bathroom in space? Jim Lovell: Well, um... I tell you it's a very complicated procedure that involves cranking down the window and looking for a gas station.
Gene Kranz: Let's look at this thing from a... um, from a standpoint of status. What do we got on the spacecraft that's good? [pause] Sy Liebergot: I'll get back to you, Gene.
[after their bus breaks down in the middle of the outback] Tick: What's happening? Felicia: Um, I don't know. Bernadette: Oh, my God! Oh, Felicia. Where the Fuckawei?
Jack Lint: [about his wife's cosmetic surgery] Remember how they used to stick out? Sam Lowry: Oh, um yes. I always used to wonder if they were real. Alison: My ears?
O coração de um homem não está apenas dentro do seu peito, está também dentro das pessoas que ama, dentro da família, dentro dos amigos. O seu sangue não corre apenas dentro do seu corpo.
Assim, quantas vezes, desperto e abandonado, não entrei pela noite dentro, aguardando não bem a madrugada nem o meu sono final, mas o vazio absoluto de um nunca mais para o passado e para o futuro.
Shirley: "Christopher, would you like to tell Olivia what "F.I.N.E" means?" Christopher: "Fucked-up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional" ... Olivia: "But what if you really do feel fine?" Shirley: "Christopher, care to answer that?" Christopher: "Um, ...
Du weißt doch noch, die Leute beschweren sich immer beim Management, dass ihre Work-Life-Balance nicht mehr stimmt. Also, am nächsten Montag haben sie eine Personalversammlung zu diesem Thema angesetzt. Um acht Uhr früh.
Ist es Zauberei, wenn dein Auge zu langsam ist, meiner Hand zu folgen?” “Kein Mensch kann sich ohne Zauberei so schnell bewegen”, beharrte Mandred. Der Anflug eines Lächelns spielte um Ollowains Lippen. “Ganz recht, Mandred. Kein Mensch.
Wenn du mit einem Schweden um die Wette saufen willst, solltest du zumindest Finne oder Russe sein. (S. 148)
Um, thanks,” she said. It was nice to see one woman finally immune to that accent. That wasn’t to say Rose wasn’t a sucker for accents. She just preferred hers from the other side of Europe.
A gente quer passar um rio a nado, e passa; mas vai dar na outra banda é num ponto muito mais embaixo, bem diverso do em que primeiro se pensou. Viver nem não é muito perigoso?
Nessa noite em que a ventania soprara com um pouco menos de sanha e o nascer do sol espalhava finalmente uma luz dourada sobre os móveis, ainda pálida, anunciando o fim do vendaval lá fora, começava a tempestade na sua vida.
Paparazzi arrived for Hugh [Grant]. We had to stand under a tree and smile for them. Photographer: 'Hugh, could you look less -- um --' Hugh: 'Pained?
Geschichten, das wusste Jude, waren wertvoll, denn sie halfen einem, die Welt zu verstehen. Sie lenkten von den wirklich schlimmen Dingen ab und manchmal, in den besten Fällen, ließen sie Hoffnung aufkeimen.
Where have you been?" he asked slowly. "Um, in the bathroom, mostly," Larry said. Let's just say my plumbing is not working any better than Mexico City's.
Um..." I mumbled, "We wait." "What? Wait? Do you expect them to just come up here to the beach to get some moonlight?" He sneered as he took another bite of the eagle.
Well, I said, needing to lighten the mood for him, "next time Kai tries to, um, bust your balls, you can give it right back to him, because he's got a girlfriend now, too.
I gotta say"—Apollo broke the silence—"these kids did okay." He cleared his throat and began to recite: " —" Um, yes, first class," Hermes interrupted, like he was anxious to avoid Apollo's poetry.
Existe apenas um médico, carnal e espiritual, gerado e não gerado, Deus feito carne, Filho de Maria e Filho de Deus, vida verdadeira na morte, vida primeiro passível e agora impassível, Jesus Cristo nosso Senhor.